Our Vision is to Improve health outcomes for the majority of Ghanaians especially the underserved including the vulnerable.
To achieve a resilient and sustainable health system that delivers quality healthcare services to all in Ghana.
To achieve a resilient and sustainable health system that delivers quality healthcare services to all in Ghana.
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Non-State Actors, Ghana (NSA-Ghana), is a consortium of Academia, CSOs (National and International), Private Sector, the Media, Community Traditional Leaders, Persons living and affected with TB and HIV the donor community. NSA seeks to improve health outcomes for the majority of Ghanaians especially the underserved including the vulnerable. The NSAs mission is to generate robust evidence about the role of NSAs in Health provision to inform polices, ensure accountable governance in health, to enhance strong and self –sustaining health systems and also to achieve resilient and sustainable health system that delivers quality healthcare services to all Ghanaians.